Dev Diary 8: Something Different

Currently the state of Lab 77 is as follows:

  • 93 of 107 bugs have been dealt with. Of the remaining 14, four require further work and ten require further testing to determine whether the implemented fixes have worked.

  • Artwork, Music, sound design, scripting and voice acting work is all in progress.

My last two weeks have again mainly been centered on quality assurance. Having done some further playtesting, I uncovered many new bugs and insufficiencies, most of which have been resolved and are awaiting further testing. As such I unfortunately do not have any new features to show off at the moment. This is what quality assurance means though, spending time ironing out all bugs and insufficiencies to ensure a stand-out quality game.

That is not to say that I have not done anything new. Last Saturday I started on what I intended to be a small weekend project that I wanted to share with you today. However, a small weekend project it was not:

As you can see in the spider web of a flowchart above I clearly went a bit overboard, and as such I was unable to implement it fully on Sunday. I titled this project "The Story Of E. Rose", and I am hoping to release it in some form as soon as I have finished it. I did share more of the development of this in the #sneak-peaks channel on the discord which you can access by becoming a Special Supporter on Patreon.

Of course, my main focus will still remain on Lab 77, however due to my bad project management when I first started that project I now find myself waiting for contractors to finish their work so that I can integrate it. I do have a few other small tasks to complete for Lab 77 as well but I believe these will not be overly complex to implement, and I will of course share this in due time.

That is all for this dev diary, more to come in two weeks.

Thank you for reading.

- Olav


Dev Diary 9


Dev Diary 7