Distilled Productions Limited is a studio that’s located in Edinburgh, Scotland, established in the year 2023 by Olav J. Digranes. The location has inspired the studio to take a historical look at gaming and game creation, with many of its first productions heavily influenced by restrictions only found in earlier game creation.

Who are we?

Our Principle

This inspiration has influenced the games and productions made by the studio simply by removing some of the modern tools used by game designers. What this means is that many of the games have graphical, size, production quality, and other limitations applied to them from the start.

By doing this the teams have been able to create a classical feel to the games that does not have any of the modern problems, such as feature creep or even convenient graphical power. Instead of making a game and then removing parts of the game to make it look like classical games, the games are made in a classical manner.

Through this process the games made by Distilled Productions Limited are more than others, they have been completely optimised. By using only classical mindsets, techniques, and limitations the games have been distilled to be the very best of what they could be. In the same way you would distil a whiskey down to its best parts, Distilled Production Limited has distilled their games down to their very best elements.

Along with this distillation process, the company has been working with other professionals in the industry. Increasing their own skills while adding more and more refined tastes to the process, allowing for the creation of games that are entirely unique in ways that many may not be aware of.

As such the team openly seeks professional collaborators that have unique talents or are even able to look at older game creations in ways that no one has before. Creating games that are unique in both their inspiration and the way that they function, giving each a unique feel that can make every moment feel completely fantastic.

Altogether the game creation processes that are followed by the team here at Distilled Productions Limited has meant that each game is as good as they can be. With no modern fluff that can make a game feel too long, no extra features that can be meaningless, and only the best elements from decades of game creation. Distilled Production Limited creates games that are the very essence of what we love.

Our Passion

For inquiries please email: general@distilled-productions.com

Founder & Director: Olav J Digranes