Dev Diary 27
Currently, the state of Lab 77 is as follows
175 of 176 bugs have been squashed. The remaining bug requires further testing.
Artwork, music, sound design and voice overs are being worked on.
Over the last two weeks my efforts have been largely focused on playtesting and QA. In this time I have found and resolved 21 bugs, almost all of which were minor improvements and alterations ensuring there were no gaps in the backgrounds and ensuring the design of each of the 77 levels need at least one placement to be completed. One bug was a bit more annoying, although I was never fully able to reproduce it. Similarly to the previous issues I had with horizontal position locking with the camera, I discovered that the same issue may have been happening with vertical locking.
As I was unable to reliably reproduce it I can not say for certain that it has been fixed. However, as I implemented the same solution as with the horizontal locking which I have not had any problems with I think it is quite likely it will not be a problem going forwards. I will keep an eye out for this problem re-occurring though in case my implemented fix was not sufficient.
The final outstanding bug is perhaps not as much of a bug as a potential point of improvement, although I have tracked it as a bug. One of the things I keep in the back of my mind is whether or not there are more things that should be added to any of the levels. This is why I keep it tracked as requiring further testing, as there is still the possibility that I will make changes to some levels.
I have also given some thought to improving the background in the main menu. Although I have not actually implemented anything yet, I did want to try to make some form of specimen churner that would repeat in the background of the main menu. Though in a quick test I did of this a while back it did not go well and the specimen would just jitter back and forth. In any case I want to complete some other more important tasks first.
Unfortunately, due to some issues outside of game making, I was not able to start working on the voice over editing as I said I would. This will be my main focus going forward however, as I will need to be done sooner than later.
That is all for now, more to come in two weeks