Dev Diary 13: Inputs
Currently, the status of Lab 77 is as follows:
108 of 121 bugs have been squashed. Of the remaining 13, four require further work and nine are awaiting further testing or integration.
Artwork, Music, sound design, scripting and voice acting work is all in progress.
This is likely going to be a shorter dev diary as I have not been able to make as much progress the last two weeks as I normally would have made. However, I have been able to make some progress on the input issues I mentioned last dev diary. I spent quite a lot of time investigating the new Player Inputs system, trying to understand why my previous implementation did not work. I was eventually able to ascertain that the problems I had were most likely caused by there being two users attempting to control a single-user game. I was however not able to determine why there were two users in a single-player game.
After this I spent some time attempting to implement a solution using the new Player Inputs system. However after various attempts and a lot of time spent trying to make sense of the documentation, I eventually found that reverting to the old input system would be a better solution. Thus I started the long task of removing all my input management and re-implementing it using the old system. this has also had the side-effect of S539-77 becoming more slidey.
I'm not quite done with the inputs yet, but the last major thing I need to do is sorting the rebinding and ensuring this system also works for gamepads. But once that is done, I will be able to get back to solving the remaining bugs, more playtesting and eventually integrating more of the artwork, music, sound design and voice over. And maybe another "little" project on the side, who knows...
That is all for this dev diary, more to come in two weeks.
Thank you for reading.
- Olav